Begins Wednesday March 5th 2025 @ 6:00pm EST
Our mindset is where our reality is born.
It is time to unpack our mind & discover the power we have within ourselves
to reframe how we see the world.
Recognizing and acknowledging the variety of experiences that shape our limiting beliefs on self is the first stage in understanding our current mindset and personal belief system.
Building off the previous weeks content, we GET to shift our beliefs from a place of limitation to one of pure strength. Together we dissolve the old by rewriting our mindset with what is true.
We GET to choose what we let into our mind and how deeply we let the impact of others shape our existence. Setting healthy boundaries is a BEautiful and profound practice. Let's go!
To listen with intent is the most important thing about communication.
Now harness the voice you and your loved ones deserve.
Do you listen to speak or listen to hear? Discover the root of your listening skills and level up to enhance your tribal communication. It takes two, why not let it begin with you?
It's easy to note the tone and language we used when speaking to others, but how much attention have you paid your inner voice lately? This week we pay attention and find our inner kindness.
Self -sabotage...
The power to let go, let them and live in the flow of opportunity.
Acceptance is making room for all that is and all that can be
by reducing your resistance with the elements out of your control.
It is easy to live in an air of self love when you are living in the moments of your best self. However, let's be honest, these moments are impermanent and in between are countless moments of self doubt and growing pains. Learn to accept your full self through the journey.
Some of the most trialing times are when you are watching the ones around you struggling. Especially when you have all the answers, right? Time to accept that just as you are on yours, they are on a journey too - sometimes loving really is just letting go and just letting them be.
It is time to reframe moments of struggle and give ourselves the space to revel in the opportunity that discomfort offers. What would happen if you thanked resistance and allowed it to be your teacher. The teacher that shows you your opportunity to grow.
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Empower yourself with awareness, awareness turned inward and
relinquish the urge to look to blame others for your downs and accredit others for your ups.
We GET to be the change. Look inward and discover the empowerment that lives in claiming ownership for your own negative patterning. Yes, the things that happen around us impact these patterns and maybe even create them. BUT! What keeps them alive vs let them go lives in you.
Change and growth doesn't happen over night. Little by little we reprogram our minds and muscles to do things differently, patience lives here. It is a constant practice within yourself to remember your relearning. Who you were will challenge who you are on a regular basis. Learn to stay consistent.
This week is about reading the new story of you that you have written. You earned your fresh self... see what you have done, feel how you are different, note the difficulties and jump with glee that you got through them. Together we can be proud and humbled by each others journeys. We did it!
"The love I give myself is priceless"
I have outlined the 90 Day Journey's inclusions with individual prices so that you can see the comparative value of this offering.
With this unstoppable bundle, you get maximum support at a price that feels good!
One of my core business values is availability, it means something to me to be financially available to you!
Wednesday, March 5th 2025 @ 6:00pm EST
90 Days Access to Fill Your Own Cup (FYOC) Betterment & Support Group via Whatsapp
12 x 1.5 Hr Live Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Planned & Presented Content
12 x Powerful Weekly Activities & Follow Up Coaching
12 x 0.5 Hr Afterhours Additional Coaching
Colour workbook - Electronically Fillable and/or Printable for Ease & Convenience
Bonus Pricing - Limited to Enrollies Only - $50/1 Hr Coaching Sessions with Vicki
Let's crack into it with each other and find out if this program fits for you by giving me the opportunity to answer your questions and discover your needs!